
Experience a free taster lecture from Jerusalem Seminary

Join us for one of the following free lectures:

The Shepherd-King, the Tribulation, and the End of Exile
with Noel Rabinowitz, PhD

Engaging the Oral Torah with Yeshua/Jesus
with Elazar Brandt, MDiv

Hear what our students have to say:

We entered into Jerusalem Seminary because it is new and fresh. We though that this would be a great way to connect with the Life and Land of Yeshua. This course was perfect!

Washington, DC, USA

If you are looking for in-depth teachings why Israel is so important for us Christians then you are in the right place. Hope to see you soon at Jerusalem Seminary.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

It’s been a very, very, very enriching experience. I encourage you to be the next one to sign up.

Jerusalem, Israel

Register for a taster lecture:

The Shepherd-King, the Tribulation, and the End of Exile - With Noel Rabinowitz

Engaging the Oral Torah with Yeshua/Jesus - With Elazar Brandt

Why join a Jerusalem Seminary taster lecture?

Both Noel Rabinowitz and Elazar Brandt are instructors in our upcoming spring semester. 

At Jerusalem Seminary we have a unique synthesis of Bible-based teaching — rooted in the Land, that is Jesus-centered, Spirit-empowered and Hebraic-oriented. 

Participants will have the opportunity to hear a short presentation on the Seminary's story and learn about relevant opportunities.

If you have yet to take a course with Jerusalem Seminary, we'll waive registration fees for attendees of the taster lectures!